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Parish Council

Parish Council Vacancy

The Great Bealings Parish Council meets regularly in the Village Hall. Topics range from organising village events, reviewing local planning applications, dealing with traffic issues, clearing litter, and dealing with local footpath maintenance.

Minutes and Agenda

Budgets and Accounts

Data Protection

Policy Documents


Name Position Telephone number Email address
Sue Prentice Chairman 01473 738312 chairman.gbpc@gmail.com
Colin Hedgley   01473 738468 colin.hedgley@eastsuffolk.gov.uk
John Carter-Jonas Vice chairman and Tree warden 07703 472222 jcarterjonas400@yahoo.co.uk
Rachel Lamb     rlamb.gbpc@gmail.com
Caroline Saunders   07789 713576 carolinesaunders.gbpc@gmail.com
Regan Scott Footpath rep 01473 735308 reganjscott@gmail.com
Trevor Harris Village Hall Rep 07773 712444 revtrev.gbpc@gmail.com

Parish Clerk: Mrs Dee Knights Tel: 01473 624240
Email: greatbealingspc@hotmail.co.uk
Address: Dunure, 39 Avocet Lane, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3SF

District Councillors:

Colin Hedgley: colin.hedgley@eastsuffolk.gov.uk
Dan Clery: dan.clery@eastsuffolk.gov.uk

County Councillor:

Elaine Bryce - elaine.bryce@suffolk.gov.uk

Meeting dates for 2024:

9th January
12th March
9th July (amended date)
4th September (amended date)
11th November (amended date)

Meetings are held at 6.30pm in the Bealings village hall committee room

Annual Meetings

Tuesday 7th May in the village hall at 7.00pm

Members of the public are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings.

New Planning Applications

Fambridge House, Lower Street


Parish Council documents are required to be accessible to the whole community. How our seb site complies, and to use accessibility features is explained on our Accessibility Statement.

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