Following the success of John Midwinter's lectures on climate
change, residents from Bealings agreed to start meeting as an
Environmental Group. Notes from the meetings can be found below:
Becoming more environmentally friendly
Some suggestions for becoming more environmentally friendly can
be found below:
- Take a 'bag for life', (or similar), with you when you go shopping.
Remember to do this for all types of shopping - clothes shopping
etc as well as supermarket shopping.
- Change your electricity provider to a green provider: Good
Energy: 01249 766090, and Ecotricity:
08000 326100, both offer electricity sourced entirely from renewables.
Or you could take up the green tariff from any of the electricity
- Recycle - there is a list of what to recycle where at:
- Set up a compost bin or wormery for food waste.
- Get your milk delivered by the milkman and get glass bottles
that can be re-used many times.
- Take a shower not a bath, (as long as you don't stay in too
- Install a water butt.
- Re-use your bath water on the garden.
- Use environmentally friendly cleaning products and cosmetics
- such as Ecover. B-Neutral
at Unit 2, The Sidings, Melton, Woodbridge, 01394 388900 sells
Ecover and offers a refill service. They also sell shampoo and
other cosmetics which can be refilled, as well as a variety of
other 'green' products. (Also available from them are solar hot
water systems fully installed from £2995.)
- Cut down on car use - cycle or walk when you are able and share
lifts with others.
- Change your light bulbs to environmentally friendly ones.
- Turn off lights and electrical appliances when you leave the
room or are not using them.
- Don't use a drying machine to dry clothes.
- Only fill your kettle with as much water as you actually are
going to use.
- If buying new appliances, such as a washing machine, opt for
the most environmentally friendly option.
- Insulate your house - for grants the Green Squirrel initiative
which is about to be publicised in the village by Sarah Cartwright
and the Parish Council might be able to help.
- Turn down your thermostat.
- Pass on old children's clothes, toys, books, anything you no
longer need rather than just throwing them away. There is a list
of where you can pass on many unwanted items at:
- Don't buy new if you can buy second hand or borrow - try e-bay,
Oxfam bookshop, Freecycle, Campsea Ashe Auction rooms, the library.
- Buy locally produced produce and fruit and vegetables in season.
Try to avoid highly packaged goods. Also, try to avoid throwing
food away - plan your weekly menu and use up leftovers.
- Grow some of your own vegetables and fruit or perhaps keep a
few chickens.
- Make your own bread/yogurt - cut down on packaging.
- Investigate how fuel efficient your car is and if necessary
purchase a more fuel efficient model. There are websites that
offer details on which cars give the lowest emissions. (These
cars attract a lower Road Tax too!) I haven't visited this
site but saw it recommended. It might be worth a try.
- Cut back on flying.
- Consider using BoilerJuice for oil. 10p for every 100 litres
ordered will be donated to the Village Hall if ordered using the
community group number 34845. When £50 has
been collected they send a cheque. :-)
