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Bealings Environmental Group



Following the success of John Midwinter's lectures on climate change, residents from Bealings agreed to start meeting as an Environmental Group. Notes from the meetings can be found below:

Becoming more environmentally friendly

Some suggestions for becoming more environmentally friendly can be found below:

  • Take a 'bag for life', (or similar), with you when you go shopping. Remember to do this for all types of shopping - clothes shopping etc as well as supermarket shopping.
  • Change your electricity provider to a green provider: Good Energy: 01249 766090, and Ecotricity: 08000 326100, both offer electricity sourced entirely from renewables. Or you could take up the green tariff from any of the electricity providers.
  • Recycle - there is a list of what to recycle where at: www.green-grundisburgh.org.uk.
  • Set up a compost bin or wormery for food waste.
  • Get your milk delivered by the milkman and get glass bottles that can be re-used many times.
  • Take a shower not a bath, (as long as you don't stay in too long!)
  • Install a water butt.
  • Re-use your bath water on the garden.
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products and cosmetics - such as Ecover. B-Neutral at Unit 2, The Sidings, Melton, Woodbridge, 01394 388900 sells Ecover and offers a refill service. They also sell shampoo and other cosmetics which can be refilled, as well as a variety of other 'green' products. (Also available from them are solar hot water systems fully installed from £2995.)
  • Cut down on car use - cycle or walk when you are able and share lifts with others.
  • Change your light bulbs to environmentally friendly ones.
  • Turn off lights and electrical appliances when you leave the room or are not using them.
  • Don't use a drying machine to dry clothes.
  • Only fill your kettle with as much water as you actually are going to use.
  • If buying new appliances, such as a washing machine, opt for the most environmentally friendly option.
  • Insulate your house - for grants the Green Squirrel initiative which is about to be publicised in the village by Sarah Cartwright and the Parish Council might be able to help.
  • Turn down your thermostat.
  • Pass on old children's clothes, toys, books, anything you no longer need rather than just throwing them away. There is a list of where you can pass on many unwanted items at: www.green-grundisburgh.org.uk.
  • Don't buy new if you can buy second hand or borrow - try e-bay, Oxfam bookshop, Freecycle, Campsea Ashe Auction rooms, the library.
  • Buy locally produced produce and fruit and vegetables in season. Try to avoid highly packaged goods. Also, try to avoid throwing food away - plan your weekly menu and use up leftovers.
  • Grow some of your own vegetables and fruit or perhaps keep a few chickens.
  • Make your own bread/yogurt - cut down on packaging.
  • Investigate how fuel efficient your car is and if necessary purchase a more fuel efficient model. There are websites that offer details on which cars give the lowest emissions. (These cars attract a lower Road Tax too!) I haven't visited this site but saw it recommended. It might be worth a try.
  • Cut back on flying.
  • Consider using BoilerJuice for oil. 10p for every 100 litres ordered will be donated to the Village Hall if ordered using the community group number 34845. When £50 has been collected they send a cheque. :-)